Bounded by West Park, Eden Valley, West 15th, and Nest Place, Highlands North Plano was part of a massive development wave that swept Plano in the 1970s. The groundbreaking for the first section of the development was about 1978, with construction continuing through the early 1980s resulting in over 400 homes. The Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Phase I & II and for Phase III & IV apply to all Highlands North Plano properties and are filed with the City of Plano. They are effective until 2050: Declaration Phase I/II, Declaration Phase III/IV, Roofing Amendment.

In 1983 a team of homeowners joined together to form the Highlands North Homeowners Association (HNHA).  Since that time, teams of volunteers have worked hard to make Highlands North a beautiful, safe, and community-oriented neighborhood  - HOA by-laws

The governing board leaders are listed on our Contact page. Feel free to contact any of them with questions or comments (see Contact).

Pay Dues

The association dues are voluntary, meaning that we are technically a Neighborhood Association. But the dues are critical to allow us to maintain the neighborhood’s entryways which provide a  pleasing first impression; to provide a website, newsletter, and emails which keep residents informed; and to sponsor community activities which bring us together as a neighborhood. At only $75 per year (dues are from October through September, if you move in after February your dues are $37.50), the dues are quite modest compared to other Neighborhood Associations

As an added benefit, those who pay their dues and reside in Highlands North, may advertise their business (business card) on our HOA website (see Neighborhood Network).

You can pay your Full Years dues through the link below ($75 plus $3.22 PayPal fees) or print and mail the form.

If you pay by PayPal fill out the form and email it to the